

College of Biological Science and Engineering


发布日期:2024-02-27 发布者:





电子邮件[email protected]




2024年2月-至今:福州大学 | 德州扑克游戏 | 讲师

2018年9月-2023年12月:浙江大学 | 生物系统工程与食品科学德州扑克游戏 | 博士

2014年9月-2018年7月:集美大学 | 海洋食品与生物科学德州扑克游戏 | 学士





主要研究方向涉及淀粉加工与血糖稳态调控、多酚靶向结肠递送以及功能性食品等方面研究上。目前已参与发表学术论文20余篇,其中以第一作者在Food Hydrocolloids和Food Chemistry等期刊上发表SCI 11 篇,含3篇ESI 1% SCI 论文,被引700余次,h因子11。参与国家发明专利申请3项。多次参加国内外学术会议并做报告。



[1] Zheng, Y., Chai, Z., Kong, X., Chen, S., Ye, X.*, & Tian, J.*, Effect of annealing treatment on the physicochemical properties and enzymatic hydrolysis of different types of starch. Food Chemistry, 2023, 403, 134153.

[2] Zheng, Y., Zhang, H.*, Wei, X., Fang, H., & Tian, J.*, Application of Curcumin Emulsion Carrier from Ultrasonic-Assisted Prepared Octenyl Succinic Anhydride Rice Starch. Molecules, 2022, 27(20), 6955.

[3] Zheng, Y., Fang H., Zhang H.*, Ye X., & Tian J.*, Effect of ultrasonic pre-treatments on the octenyl succinicanhydride substitution of potato starch and its physicochemical and emulsifying properties. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2022,57,7286-7295.

[4] Zheng, Y., Tian, J.*, Kong, X., Wu, D., Chen, S., Liu, D., & Ye, X.*, Proanthocyanidins from Chinese berry leaves modified the physicochemical properties and digestive characteristic of rice starch. Food Chemistry, 2021, 335 (15), 127666.

[5] Zheng, Y., Yin, X., Kong, X., Chen, S., Xu, E., Liu, D., Ogawa, Y., Ye, X.*, & Tian, J.*, Introduction of chlorogenic acid during extrusion affects the physicochemical properties and enzymatic hydrolysis of rice flour. Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 116, 106652.

[6] Zheng, Y., Tian, J.*, Ogawa, Y., Yin, X., Xu, E., Chen, S., Liu, D., Kong, X., Ye, X.*, Co-extrusion of proanthocyanins from Chinese bayberry leaves modifies the physicochemical properties as well as the in vitro digestion of restructured rice. Food Structure, 2021, 27, 100182.

[7] Zheng, Y., Tian, J.*, Yang, W., Chen, S., Liu, D., Fang, H., Zhang, H., & Ye, X.*, Inhibition mechanism of ferulic acid against α-amylase and α-glucosidase. Food Chemistry, 2020, 317, 126346.

[8] Zheng, Y., Tian, J.*, Kong, X., Yang, W., Yin, X., Xu, E., Chen, S., Liu, D., & Ye, X.*, Physicochemical and digestibility characterization of maize starch–caffeic acid complexes. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 121, 108857.

[9] Zheng, Y., Tian, J. *, Ogawa., Y., Kong, X., Chen, S., Liu, D., & Ye, X., Physicochemical properties and in vitro digestion of extruded rice with grape seed Proanthocyanidins. Journal of Cereal Science, 2020, 95, 103064.

[10] Zheng, Y., Sun, W., Yang, W., Chen, S., Liu, D., Tian, J.*, & Ye, X.*, The Influence of Xanthan Gum on Rheological Properties and In Vitro Digestibility of Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) Starch. Starch - Stärke, 2020, 72(3-4), 1900139.

[11] Zheng, Y., Yang, W., Sun, W., Chen, S., Liu, D., Kong, X., Tian, J.*, & Ye, X.*, Inhibition of porcine pancreatic α-amylase activity by Chromogenic acid. Journal of Functional Foods, 2019, 64, 103587.


[1] 一种玉米淀粉-绿原酸复合物的制备方法及作为新型益生元的应用(申请号:CN202210786462.5)

[2] 一种提取富含半乳糖侧链的RG-I果胶多糖的方法(申请号:CN201910848459.X)

[3] 一种全自动程控型模拟仿生胃肠消化装置(申请号:CN201910862367.7)


Ye, X.Q., Tian, J.H., Zheng, Y. X. et al. Traditional Goji berry-based functional food in Chinese history. Phytochemicals in Goji berry in Functional Foods. (已出版, Chapter 1).


1、 中国国际大学生创新大赛(2023年)金奖

2、 国家公派出国留学资格(CSC)

3、 浙江省第十三届大学生职业生涯规划大赛一等奖

4、 浙江大学康而达奖学金
