代表性论文(*通讯作者): 1.Susu Yuan, Renxiang Yan, Biyu Lin, Renkuan Li, Xiuyun Ye Improving thermostability of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens alpha-amylase by multipoint mutations, Biochem Biophys Res Commun(2023),653:69-75. 2.袁素素,叶秀云*,鄢仁祥*,基于蛋白质受体的药物分子计算机辅助设计常用策略综述[J].生物信息学(2023). 3.苏绍玉,叶秀云*,鄢仁祥*,酶分子设计的常用策略和进展[J].生物信息学(2023). 4.苏绍玉,卢芷琳,史智凌,叶秀云*,鄢仁祥*,蛋白质酶功能分析和预测方法的进展和前瞻[J].生物信息学,2022,20(4):227-234. 5. Xiaofeng Wang*#, Renxiang Yan*#, Yongji Wang(2021), Computational identification of human ubiquitination sites using convolutional and recurrent neural networks, Molecular Omics, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D0MO00183J. 6. Xiaofeng Wang*, Renxiang Yan*, Yong-Zi Chen, Yongji Wang(2021), Computational identification of ubiquitination sites in Arabidopsis thaliana using convolutional neural networks, Plant Mol Biol,doi: 10.1007/s11103-020-01112-w. 7.Xiaofeng Wang, Renxiang Yan* (2020), DDAPRED: a computational method for predicting drug repositioning using regularized logistic matrix factorization, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 26:60. 8. Jincheng Li,Jiamin Zheng, Yanhui Liang, Renxiang Yan, Xinqi Xu, JuanLin (2020), Expression and characterization of a chitinase from Serratia marcescens, Protein Expression and Purification,105613. 9.Renxiang Yan*, Xiaofeng Wang, Yarong Tian, Jing Xu, Xiaoli Xu and Juan Lin* (2019), Prediction of zinc-binding sites using multiple sequence profiles and machine learning methods, Molecular Omics, 15, 205 – 215. 10.Guozeng Wang, Meng Luo, Juan Lin, Yun Lin, Renxiang Yan, Wolfgang R. Streit, Xiuyun Ye, A new extremely halophilic, calcium-independent and surfactant-resistant alpha-amylase from Alkalibacterium sp. SL3, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. DOI : 10.4014/jmb.1901.01038. 11.Bingmei Su, Xinqi Xu, Renxiang Yan, Yong Xie, Juan Lin (2019), Mutagenesis on the surface of a beta-agarase from Vibrio sp. ZC-1 increased its thermo-stability, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, //doi.org/10.1016/j.enzmictec.2019.04.006. 蛋白质设计:提高酶热稳定性 12.Yajiao Zhang, Bin Lang, Deyang Zeng, Zhihua Li, Jie Yang, Renxiang Yan, Xinqi Xu, Juan Lin (2019) Truncation of k'carrageenase for higher k'carrageenan oligosaccharides yield with improved enzymatic characteristics, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 130, 958-968. 蛋白质设计:提高酶催化活性 13.Xiaofeng Wang*, Renxiang Yan*(2018) RFAthM6A: a new tool for predicting m6A sites in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology, 96(3):327-337. 14.Renxiang Yan*, Xiaofeng Wang, Lanqing Huang, Yarong Tian and Weiwen Cai (2017) Transmembrane region prediction by using sequence-derived features and machine learning methods,RSC Advances, 7(46), 29200-29211 15.Guozeng Wang, Jingjing Wu, Renxiang Yan, Juan Lin and Xiuyun Ye (2016) A novel multi-domain high molecular, salt-stable alkaline xylanase from Alkalibacterium sp. SL3. Front. Microbiol doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.02120 16.Renxiang Yan*, Xiaofeng Wang, et al (2016), A neural network learning approach for improving the prediction of residue depth based on sequence-derived features, RSC Advances, 6 (72) ,67729-67738 17.Xiaofeng Wang, Renxiang Yan, Jiangning Song (2016) SOHPRED: a new bioinformatics tool for the characterization and prediction of human S-sulfenylation sites,Mol Biosyst, 12(9):2849-58. 18. Xiaofeng Wang, Renxiang Yan, Jiangning Song (2016) DephosSite: a machine learning approach for discovering phosphotase-specific dephosphorylation sites, Scientific Reports,23510. 19.许伟明,王晓锋,林娟,蔡伟文,鄢仁祥*(2016) G蛋白偶联受体计算研究的进展和前瞻. 中国生物信息学,14(1):31-38. 20. Guozeng Wang, Qiaohuang Wang, Xianju Lin, Tzi Bun Ng, Renxiang Yan, Juan Lin, Xiuyun Ye (2016) A novel cold-adapted and highly salt-tolerant esterase from Alkalibacterium sp. SL3 from the sediment of a soda lake. Scientific Reports, 6, 19494. 21. Renxiang Yan*, Xiaofeng Wang, Weiming Xu, Juan Lin, and Weiwen Cai (2015) A short review of protein fold recognition methods. Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics. 13(4), 231-238. 22.Renxiang Yan*, Xiaofeng Wang, Lanqing Huang, Feidi Yan, Xiaoyu Xue, and Weiwen Cai (2015) Prediction of structural features and application to outer membrane protein identification. Scientific Reports, 5, 11586. IF: 5.078 23.Renxiang Yan, Jiangning Song, Weiwen Cai and Ziding Zhang (2015) A short review on protein secondary structure prediction methods. Pattern Recognition in Computational Molecular Biology: Techniques and Approaches (Wiley Series in Bioinformatics). Chapter 6. doi: 1.1002/9781119078845.ch6, ISBN: 978-1-118-89368-5,99-112. 24. Xiaofeng Wang*, Yuan Zhou, Renxiang Yan* (2015) AAFreqCoil: a new classifier to distinguish parallel dimeric and trimeric coiled coils. Mol Biosyst, 11(7):1794-801. 25.Jianyi Yang, Renxiang Yan, Ambrish Roy, Dong Xu, Jonathan Poisson and Yang Zhang (2015) The I-TASSER Suite: protein structure and function prediction. Nature Methods, 12(1), 7–8. 26. Renxiang Yan*, Xiaofeng Wang, Lanqing Huang, Jun Lin, Weiwen Cai and Ziding Zhang (2014) GPCRserver: an accurate and novel G protein-coupled receptor predictor. Mol Biosyst, 10(10):2495-504. 27. Renxiang Yan*, Jun Lin, Zhen Chen, Xiaofeng Wang, Lanqing Huang, Weiwen Cai and Ziding Zhang (2014) Prediction of outer membrane proteins by combining the position- and composition-based features of sequence profiles. Mol Biosyst, 10: 1004-1013. IF:3.18. 28. Renxiang Yan*, Lanqing Huang, Xiaofeng Wang and Weiwen Cai (2014) EasyAlign: an easy and novel fold recognition tool. The 8th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2014 Proceedings Paper) ISBN:978-1-60595-194-2, 57-62. 29. Renxiang Yan, Dong Xu, Jianyi Yang, Sara Walker and Yang Zhang (2013) A comparative assessment and analysis of 20 representative sequence alignment methods for protein structure prediction. Scientific Reports, 3: 2619. 30. Renxiang Yan, Zhen Chen, Ziding Zhang (2011) Outer membrane proteins can be simply identified using secondary structure element alignment. BMC Bioinformatics, 12:76. IF:2.751. 31. Renxiang Yan, Jing Liu,Yi-Min Tao (2011) Improving PSI-BLAST's Fold Recognition Performance through Combining Consensus Sequences and Support Vector Machine , Interdisciplinary Research and Applications in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Environmental Sciences, 51-59. 32. Renxiang Yan, Jing-Na Si, Chuan Wang and Ziding Zhang (2009) DescFold: A web server for protein fold recognition. BMC Bioinformatics,10:416. 33. Jing-Na Si, Renxiang Yan, Chuan Wang, Ziding Zhang, and Xiao-Dong Su (2009) TIM-Finder: A novel method to recognize TIM-barrel proteins. BMC Structural Biology, 9:73. 34. Wang Chuan, Renxiang Yan, XiaoFeng Wang, JingNa Si and Zhang Z. (2011) Comparison of linear gap penalties and profile-based variable gap penalties in profile-profile alignments. Comput Biol Chem, 35: 308-318. IF: 1.59. 35. Zhen Chen, YongZhi Chen, XiaoFeng Wang, Chuan Wang, Renxiang Yan and Ziding Zhang (2011) Prediction of ubiquitination sites by using the composition of k-spaced amino acid pairs. PLOS ONE,6: e22930. IF:3.53. 36. Yang Zhang, Dong Xu, Jianyi Yang, Ambrish Roy and Renxiang Yan Protein structure predictions by a combination of I-TASSER and QUARK pipelines. CASP 10 abstract, 2012, [www.predictioncenter.org/casp10/doc/CASP10_Abstracts.pdf]. 37. Xiaofeng Wang, Zhen Chen, Chuan Wang, Renxiang Yan, Ziding Zhang and Jiangning Song (2011) Predicting residue-residue contacts and helix-helix interactions in transmembrane proteins using an integrative feature-based random forest approach. PLOS ONE, 6: e26767. 38. 谢勇,洪晓昆,鄢仁祥,林娟 (2017), 重组琼胶酶rAgaN3基因的生物信息学分析, 中国生物信息学, 15(1):16-26. 39.徐晓丽,林娟,鄢仁祥* (2018), 基因芯片与高通量测序技术的原理与应用的比较. 中国生物化学与分子生物学报, 34(11): 1166-1174. 40. 徐晓丽, 吴凌娟, 鄢仁祥* (2019),单细胞全基因组扩增技术与应用,生物化学与生物物理进展, 46(4):342-352. 41. 苏绍玉, 徐婧, 鄢仁祥*(2020), 文本分析技术在蛋白质生物信息学中应用的案例综述, 中国生物信息学, 18(4),215-222. 42.鄢仁祥*,王晓锋,陈震,蔡伟文,林娟(2017),《蛋白质结构生物信息学》,福建科学技术出版社, ISBN:978-7-5335-5096-7. |