

College of Biological Science and Engineering


发布日期:2022-04-07 发布者:





电子邮箱:caixx@dzpkgame.com;[email protected]



2021.7-至今 德州扑克游戏-网上德州扑克

2019.4-2021.4 福州大学石油化工德州扑克游戏 | 生物与医药工程专业 | 博士后

2015.9-2019.3 福州大学化学德州扑克游戏 | 药物分析学专业 | 博士

2011.9-2014.6 德州扑克游戏-网上德州扑克 | 生物化学与分子生物学专业 | 硕士

2007.9-2011.6 德州扑克游戏-网上德州扑克 | 生物工程专业|本科








Food ChemistryFood & Function、Frontiers in NutritionJournal of Food Science等期刊审稿专家


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于蛋白质组学的章鱼肽-钙螯合物跨膜转运促钙吸收机制研究,主持,2020-2022

2. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,食源性钙螯合肽的螯合作用模式与促钙吸收机制研究,主持2019-2021

3. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,基于鱼源胶原蛋白肽的钙递送体系构建及作用机制研究,主持,2022-2015

4. 福州海洋研究院科研项目,海洋源呈味肽复合调味品的研发及应用示范,主持,2022-2024

5. 福州大学启动基金,主持,2022-2023

6. 福州大学贵重仪器设备开放测试基金,主持,2022


1. Yang F., Jiang W., Chen X., Chen X., Wu J., Huang J., Cai X.*, Wang S*. Identification of Novel Antifreeze Peptides from Takifugu obscurus Skin and Molecular Mechanism in Inhibiting Ice Crystal Growth. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70: 14148-14156.

2. Wu X., Wang F., Cai X.*, Wang S*. Glycosylated peptide-calcium chelate: Characterization, calcium absorption promotion and prebiotic effect. Food Chemistry, 2023, 403: 134335.

3. Chen H., Chen X., Chen X., Lin S., Cheng J., You L., Xiong C., Cai X.*, Wang S*. New perspectives on fabrication of peptide-based nanomaterials in food industry: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2022, 129: 46-60.

4. Wu X., Wang F, Cai X.*, Wang S*. Characteristics and osteogenic mechanism of glycosylated peptides-calcium chelate. Current Research in Food Science, 2022, 5: 1965-1975.

5. Cai X., Weng Q., Lin J., Chen G., Wang S.*. Radix Pseudostellariae protein-curcumin nanocomplex: Improvement on the stability, cellular uptake and antioxidant activity of curcumin. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2021, 151: 112110.

6. Cai X., Chen S., Liang J., Tang M., Wang S.*. Protective effects of crimson snapper scales peptides against oxidative stress on Drosophila melanogaster and the action mechanism. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2021, 148: 111965.

7. Cai X., Yang Q., Weng Q., Wang S.*. pH sensitive doxorubicin-loaded nanoparticle based on Radix pseudostellariae protein-polysaccharide conjugate and its improvement on HepG2 cellular uptake of doxorubicin. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2020, 136, 111099.

8. Yang Q.1, Cai X.1(共一), Yan A., Tian Y., Du M., Wang S.*. A specific antioxidant peptide: Its properties in controlling oxidation and possible action mechanism. Food Chemistry, 2020, 327: 126984.

9. Chen H., Yang F., Lv L., Fu C., Cai X.*, Wang S.*. Interaction among protein, daidzein and surfactants in the WPI-based daidzein self-microemulsifying delivery system. Food Chemistry, 2020, 332: 127461.

10. Yang Q., Cai X., Huang M., Chen X., Tian Y., Chen G., Wang M., Wang S.*, Xiao J.*. Isolation, Identification, and Immunomodulatory Effect of a Peptide from Pseudostellaria heterophylla Protein Hydrolysate. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry(SCI收录), 2020, 68(44): 12259–12270.

11. Lin Y., Cai X., Wu X., Lin S., Wang S. Fabrication of snapper fish scales protein hydrolysate-calcium complex and the promotion in calcium cellular uptake. Journal of Functional Foods, 2020, 65, 103717.

12. Weng Q., Cai X., Zhang F.*, Wang S.* Fabrication of self-assembled Radix Pseudostellariae protein nanoparticles and the entrapment of curcumin. Food Chemistry, 2019, 274: 796-802.

13. 《肉糜制品品质调控新技术》,科学出版社,2022年,副主编

14. 《功能肽的加工技术与活性评价》, 科学出版社, 2019年, 副主编

15. 《生物分子分离与表征》,科学出版社,2021年,参编

16. 《抗冻多肽研究与应用》,科学出版社,2020年,参编