

College of Biological Science and Engineering


发布日期:2014-12-07 发布者:德州扑克游戏






电子邮件:[email protected]



1979.09-1983.07 福州大学化学化工系;大学本科

1983.07-1986.05 福建省南靖合成氨厂;助理工程师

1986.05-1989.10 福建省化工设计院;助理工程师

1989.10-1992.03 日本国广岛大学应用生物学系;硕士研究生

1992.03-1995.03 日本国广岛大学应用生物学系;博士研究生

1995.03-1996.04 日本国农林水产省食品综合研究所;博士后

1996.04-1997.09 加拿大农业部列桥研究中心;博士后

1997.09-2002.05 香港中文大学医德州扑克游戏 生物化学系;博士后、研究员.

2002.05-至今 德州扑克游戏-网上德州扑克 ;特聘教授,教授







1、 酶高效表达国家工程实验室主任;

2、 福建省海洋酶工程重点实验室主任;

3、 福建省食品生物技术开发基地主任;

4、 农工党福建省省委常委,农工党福州大学主委;

5、 福建省食品科学技术学会副理事长,福建省食品安全专家,福建省保健食品安全专家;








7、 福建省经贸委“食品酶工程应用技术服务平台建设”(2009-2011);




1.Xu X.Q.Su B.M.Xie J.S.Li R.K.Yang J.Lin J.and Ye X.Y. (2018). Preparation of bioactive neoagaroligosaccharides through hydrolysis of Gracilaria lemaneiformis agar: A comparative study. Food Chemistry,

2. Wang G., Wu J., Yan R., Lin J.andYe X.Y. (2017).A Novel Multi-domain High Molecular, Salt-Stable Alkaline Xylanase from Alkalibacterium sp. SL3. Front Microbiol 7: 2120.

3. Yang, J., Lin, Y., Yang, X., Ng, T. B., Ye, X.Y.and Lin, J (2017). Degradation of tetracycline by immobilized laccase and the proposed transformation pathway. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 322, 525-531.

4. Wang G., Wang Q., Lin X., Ng T.B., Yan R., Lin J.andYe X.Y.(2016). A novel cold-adapted and highly salt-tolerant esterase from Alkalibacterium sp. SL3 from the sediment of a soda lake. Sci Rep 6: 19494.

5. Yang J., Xu, X., Yang, X., Ye, X.Y and Lin, J (2016). Cross-linked enzyme aggregates of Cerrena laccase: preparation, enhanced NaCl tolerance and decolorization of Remazol Brilliant Blue Reactive. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 65, 1-7.

6. Yang J., Yang X., Ye X.Y. and Lin, J. (2016). Optimal parameters for laccase-mediated destaining of Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250-stained polyacrylamide gels. Data in Brief, 7, 1-7.

7. Yang, J., Yang, X., Ye, X.Y. and Lin, J. (2016). Destaining of Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250-stained polyacrylamide gels with fungal laccase. Analytical Biochemistry, 493, 27-29.

8. Yang, J., Wang, G., Ng, T. B., Lin, J., and Ye, X.Y. (2016). Laccase production and differential transcription of laccase genes in Cerrena sp. in response to metal ions, aromatic compounds, and nutrients. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6, 1558.

9. Ng T.B., Cheung R.C., Wong J.H., Chan Y.S., Dan X., Pan W., Wang H., Guan S, Chan K, Ye X.Y., Liu F, Xia L, Chan WY (2016). Fungal proteinaceous compounds with multiple biological activities, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 100(15):6601-17.

10. Yang J., Xu, X., Ng, T. B., Lin, J., and Ye, X.Y.(2016). Laccase gene family in Cerrena sp. HYB07: sequences, heterologous expression and transcriptional analysis. Molecules, 21, 1017.

11. Li R.K., Chen P., Ng T.B., Yang J., Lin J., Yan F., and Ye X.Y.(2015). Highly efficient expression and characterization of a β-mannanase from Bacillus subtilis in Pichia pastoris.Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 62(1):64-70

12. Wang G., Wu J., Lin J., Ye X.Y. and Yao B. (2016). The disruption of two salt bridges of the cold-active xylanase XynGR40 results in an increase in activity, but a decrease in thermostability. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 481: 139-145.

13. Yang, J., Yang, X., Lin, Y., Ng, T. B., Lin, J. and Ye, X.Y. (2015) Laccase-catalyzed decolorization of malachite green: Performance optimization and degradation mechanism. PLoS ONE, 10, e0127714

14. Huang X., Lin J., Ye X.Y.and Wang G. (2015). Molecular Characterization of a Thermophilic and Salt- and Alkaline-Tolerant Xylanase from Planococcus sp. SL4, a Strain Isolated from the Sediment of a Soda Lake. J Microbiol Biotechnol 25: 662-671.

15. Yang, J., Lin, Q., Lin, J., and Ye, X.Y. (2016). Selection and validation of reference genes for quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction studies in Cerrena unicolor (higher basidiomyetes). International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 18, 165-175.

16 Yang, J., Ng, T. B., Lin, J. and Ye, X.Y. (2015).A novel laccase from basidiomycete Cerrena sp.: Cloning, heterologous expression, and characterization. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 77, 344-349.

17. Yang, J., Lin, Q., Ng, T. B., Ye, X.Y. and Lin, J (2014).Purification and characterization of a novel laccase from Cerrena sp. HYB07 with dye decolorizing ability. PLoS ONE, 9, e110834.

18. Wang G., Huang X., Ng T.B., Lin J.andYe X.Y.(2014).High phylogenetic diversity of glycosyl hydrolase family 10 and 11 xylanases in the sediment of Lake Dabusu in China.PLoS One 9: e112798.

19. Li R.K., Fu C.L., Chen P., Ng T.B. and Ye X.Y. (2013). High-level expression of a sika deer (Cervus nippon) Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase in Pichia pastoris and its characterization. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 35(2):185-92.

20. Wang S.Y., Ye X.Y. and Rao P.F. (2012). Isolation of a novel leguminous lysozyme and study on the antifungal activity.Food research international, 47(2):341-347

21. Wang S.Y., Shao B., Liu S.T., Ye X.Y. and Rao P.F. (2012). Purification and characterization of Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase from black soybean.Food research international, 47(2):374-379

22. Wang S.Y., Ye X.Y., Chen J. and Rao P.F. (2012). A novel chitinase isolated from Vicia faba and its antifungal activity. Food research international, 45(1):116-122

23.Ng T.B., Wong J.H, Fang EF, Chan YS, Pan W, Ye X.Y., Sze SC, Zhang KY, Liu F, Wang HX (2011) Glyceollin, a soybean phytoalexin with medicinal properties. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.90(1):59-68.


24. Shaoyun Wang S. Y,. Biao Shao B., Liu S T., Ye X.Y., Pingfan Rao (2011) Purification and characterization of Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase from black soybean.Food Research International.

25. Ng T. B.Jack Ho WongEvandro Fei FangYau Sang ChanWenliang PanXiu Yun YeStephen Cho Wing SzeKalin Yanbo ZhangFang LiuHe Xiang Wang.Glyceollin, a soybean phytoalexin with medicinal properties. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011.Apr;90(1):59-68. Epub 2011 Feb 20

26. Jack H. WongT. B. NgRandy C. F. CheungX. J. YeH. X. WangS. K. LamP. LinY. S. ChanEvandro F. FangPatrick H. K. NgaiL. X. XiaX. Y. YeY. JiangF. Liu.2010. Proteins with antifungal properties and other medicinal applications from plants and mushrooms. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. Jul;87(4):1221-35

27. Shaoyun Wang1, Pingfan Rao1 and Xiuyun Ye1 .Isolation and biochemical characterization of a novel leguminous defense peptide with antifungal and antiproliferative potency.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2009 Feb;82(1):79-86.

28. Shaoyun Wang1, Pingfan Rao1 and Xiuyun Ye1 .Isolation and biochemical characterization of a novel leguminous defense peptide with antifungal and antiproliferative potency.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2009 Feb;82(1):79-86.

29. Wang S, Shao B, Rao P, Lee Y, Ye X.Y. Hypotin, a novel antipathogenic and antiproliferative protein from peanuts with a sequence similar to those of chitinase precursors.  J Agric Food Chem. 2007 Nov 28;55(24):9792-9. Epub 2007 Nov 3.

PMID: 17979231 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

30. Lin P, Xia L, Wong JH, Ng TB, Ye X.Y, Wang S, Shi X. Lipid transfer proteins from Brassica campestris and mung bean surpass mung bean chitinase in exploitability. J Pept Sci. 2007 Oct;13(10):642-8.

31.Wang S, Lin J, Ye M, Ng TB, Rao P, Ye XY. Isolation and characterization of a novel mung bean protease inhibitor with antipathogenic and anti-proliferative activities.Peptides. 2006 ec;27(12):3129-36.

32. Wang SYXu Z BYe XY, Rao P F. 2005. Purification and characterization of a malate dehydrogenase from Phaseolus mungo. Journal of food biochemistry, 29(2): 117-131.

33. Lin DY, Huang XN, Ke LJ, Chen XC, Ye XY, Huo YS, Rao PF, 2005. Purification and characterization of the proliferation of rat osteoblast-like cells UMR-106 from pilose antler. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. Jun;30(11):851-5

34. Wang SY, Wu J, Rao PF, Ng TB, Ye XY. 2005. A chitinase with antifungal activity from the mung bean.Protein Expr. Purif. Apr;40(2):230-6.

35. Wang SY, Ng TB, Chen T. Lin D, Wu J. Rao PF, Ye XY. 2005. First report of a novel plant lysozyme with both antifungal and antibacterial activities. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Feb 18;327(3):820-7.

36. Wang SY, Zhou KJ, Ye XY, Xu ZB, Wu JH, Rao PF. 2004. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of a non-specific lipid-transfer protein with antipathogenic activity from Phaseolus mungo.Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. Dec;60(Pt 12 Pt 2):2391-3. Epub 2004 Nov

37. Wang SY, Wu JH, Ng TB, Ye XY and Rao PF. 2004.A non-specific lipid transfer protein with antifungal and antibacterial activities from the mung bean. Peptides. 2004 Aug;25(8):1235-42.

38. Ng TB and Ye X.Y.2004. A polymeric immunoglobulin receptor-like milk protein with inhibitory activity on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2004 Nov;36(11):2242-9.

39. Ng TB and Ye X.Y.2003. Fabin, a novel calcyon-like and glucanase-like protein with mitogenic, antifungal and translation-inhibitory activities from broad beans. Biol Chem. 2003 May;384(5):811-5.

40. Ye, X. Y. and Ng, T. B.2003.Purification and characterization of a new ribonuclease from fruiting bodies of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus. J Pept Sci. 2003 Feb;9(2):120-4.

41. Ye, X. Y. and Ng, T. B.2003.Isolation of vulgin, a new antifungal polypeptide with mitogenic activity from the pinto bean. J Pept Sci. 2003 Feb;9(2):114-9.

42. Ye, X. Y. and Ng, T. B.2003.Isolation of pisumin, a novel antifungal protein from legumes of the sugar snap pea Pisum sativum var macrocarpon. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2003 Feb;134(2):235-40.

43. Ye, X. Y. and Ng, T. B.2002.A new peptidic protease inhibitor from Vicia faba seeds exhibits antifungal, HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibiting and mitogenic activities. J Pept Sci. 2002 Dec;8(12):656-62.

44. Ye, X. Y. and Ng, T. B.2002. Isolation of a novel peroxidase from French bean legumes and first demonstration of antifungal activity of a non-milk peroxidase. Life Sci. Aug 23;71(14):1667-1680.

45. Ye, X. Y. and Ng, T. B.2002. A new antifungal peptide from rice beans.J. Pept. Res. Aug;60(2):81-7.

46. Ye, X. Y. and Ng, T. B.2002. A novel peptide with ribonuclease and translation-inhibitory activities from fruiting bodies of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus. J. Pept. Sci. Jun;8(6):235-40.

47. Ye, X. Y. and Ng, T. B.2002. Cicerin and arietin, novel chickpea peptides with different antifungal potencies. Peptides. May;23(5):817-22.

48. Ye, X. Y. and Ng, T. B.2002. A novel and potent ribonuclease from fruiting bodies of the mushroom Pleurotus pulmonarius. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. May 3;293(2):857-61.

49. Ye, X. Y. and Ng, T. B.2002. Purification of angularin, a novel antifungal peptide from adzuki beans. J. Pept. Sci. Mar;8(3):101-6.

50. Ye, X. Y. and Ng, T. B.2002. Delandin, a Chitinase-like Protein with Antifungal, HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitory and Mitogenic Activities from the Rice Bean Delandia umbellata. Protein Expr Purif. Apr;24(3):524-9.

51. Ng, T. B., Lam, T. L., Au, T. K., Ye, X. Y. and Wan, C. C. 2002. Inhibitory effects of antifungal proteins on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase, protease and integrase. Life Sci.  Jan 11;70(8):927-35.

52. Ye, X. Y. and Ng, T. B.2002. Isolation of a new cyclophilin-like protein from chickpeas with mitogenic, antifungal and anti-HIV-1 reverse transcriptase activities. Life Sci. Jan 25;70(10):1129-38.

53. Ye, X. Y. and Ng, T. B.2002. A new antifungal protein and a chitinase with prominent macrophage-stimulating activity from seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. pinto. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Jan 18;290(2):813-9.




